Saturday, November 3, 2012

Parmesan Smashed Potatoes


2 lbs red potatoes, cut in half or quartered, depending on size, just make sure they are about the same size
6 tbs butter, cut into tablespoons
1/2 cup grated parmigiano reggiano
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 tsp fresh chives (optional)


Bring a large pt of salted water to boil.  Cook potatoes until fork-tender, about 15 minutes.  Use a slotted spoon or hand-held strainer to transfer potatoes to a shallow bowl or serving dish.

Top potatoes with butter, parmigiano reggiano, salt and pepper (to taste).  Use a fork or a handheld masher to smash the potatoes; adding cooking liquids as necessary to make potatoes as creamy as you like.  Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary.

Serves 4-6

*Derived from Once Upon a Chef

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